A mom wrote to me: Just as our children need to learn how to live in recovery, so do we. We can’t look back, and we must look forward. Using the tools we now have, let us be a beacon of light so our children know where we are when they’re ready.

My reflection: Placing a burning candle in the window is a tradition that dates back to colonial times as a sign that says you’re welcome here, we’re waiting for you.When my son was in active addiction, I wanted him to know that home was waiting for him when he was ready to live in the solution.

Today’s Promise to consider: We can be a beacon of light for our children. When they are drowning in the waves of addiction, they are lost to themselves and to us. Their life is focused on the chase of the high, and there is nothing but darkness. We can stand as a light that says, “When you are ready, your family and life are waiting for you.” We want our children to glow in the world, but maybe we need to teach them how by our example.

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Pat Nichols
Pat Nichols
4 years ago

This post is so true. After 21 years of addiction my son shared with me while working the 12 steps that he knew his family loved him and would welcome him back into the family. He told me this is what gave him hope for the future and helped fuel his long term recovery. Never give up!

Anna Lee
Anna Lee
4 years ago

I love all of your writings, but this one really spoke to my heart. Thanks for all you do to keep us encouraged.