IMG_0154I wrote this in Stay Close: During the Christmas of 2006, when neither son came home for our large Italian family gatherings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends didn’t know what to do. My brothers didn’t know what to say. They didn’t even know whether to invite me to the festivities. The cousins were confused; could they ask about Jeff or would it be kinder to leave him out of the conversation?

My reflection: I remember well that Christmas Eve Mass when my older brother turned gently toward me and said, “Not sure I should ask, but how is Jeff?” I looked at him as tears welled in my eyes. He just nodded as we both turned forward and left the question float in the air.

Today’s Promise to consider: During the holidays, let us remember that addiction can severely isolate us. We might feel ashamed and lonely because our lives are not as joyful as we wish they would be. I will avoid this treacherous place by being compassionate with myself and my family. I will find serenity in honesty and prayer.

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9 years ago

So very true. I had the same experience. Thank you again for your insightful words.

pat nichols
pat nichols
9 years ago

Yes, it helps to understand that others don’t understand us. How could they? So, I learned to forgive myself and others for hurtful statements I heard and said.

I focus on becoming closer to God and trusting Him in all things.

Thank you so much Libby for another year of priceless posts that have helped me and so many others. Blessings my friend.