Terry Gorski writes, Addiction comes into our lives posing as a friend and then slowly grows into a monster that can destroy us.
(Terry Gorski, Straight Talk About Addiction)
My reflection: I was deluded by addiction. It entered our home and looked like a phase. I shrugged off my concerns with the thought my son’s behavior was normal because many teenagers smoked pot and drank beer. Surely, Jeff would grow out of it. Silently and rapidly, addiction grew fat, fed on our angst and misery and, in the end, mocked us with its strength and power.
Today’s Promise to consider: Addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful. It’s crucial that we parents pay close attention to the signs of impending danger so that we can intervene early. We are part of the medicine that can heal this disease. Education and closeness are the keys.
If you ever see or hear anything that gives you concern about Kaitlyn, please be sure to let Judy or me know. I do not believe there is anything to worry about now and all seems to be fine but she is a teenager now and she spends some time each week with her mom and perhaps her mom’s friend who we do not approve of. Thanks.