From my son, I learned: that his sobriety is rooted in his spiritual practice. Every morning he maintains a routine: he reads from a spiritual or philosophical text, stretches, meditates and prays. Today, his life is based on a set of principles and he must be honest with everyone he meets, including himself. He says that he acknowledges his past and strives for a better tomorrow.
My reflection: When my son was in active addiction, he was spiritually bankrupt, self centered, dishonest, and isolated from family and those who love him. Naively, I thought that abstinence from substance equaled recovery, but I’ve learned that it’s so much more.
Today’s Promise to consider: Today, I will support my loved one as he works his program of recovery. My son wrote: Through all my years of cynicism and turbulence, I’ve seen with my own eyes something at work on this earth that’s bigger than I am big – good natured and unexplainable. It appeared when I looked for it. Abstinence helps the brain heal; spirituality helps heal the heart.
My son was in county jails numerous times and I remember immediately sending him the Bible and other spiritual Christian literature and books the moment I learned he was locked up. I would later learn he never read one of them! My son is now in long term recovery and is now a believer but it was HIS personal recovery journey to spiritual understanding not mine. I had to step back and allow the Holy Spirit to take over. I prayed for him constantly but also realized God was in control not me.
Dear Pat,
For Jeff, it was the same — on his time. I’m sure all our prayers helped, but the time was right when Jeff was ready. “It appeared when I looked for it,” he wrote. Maybe that’s the way with all of us.
Thanks, Pat, for reaching out.