A mom wrote to me: With addiction, no mother dreams that she would ever have to do the things she learns to do. How do we keep channels open with our children, while also keeping our boundaries clear? How do we manage self-care so that we can be there the next time, and the next time, and the time after that? Let us never give up on our children, and let us keep hope alive. If the worst were to happen, we can say, “I did the very, very, very best I could do.” Just keep accepting and loving where they are. We are warrior women fighting for clarity in the midst of a disease that brings chaos.

My reflection: There were times during my son’s fourteen-year addiction that I wanted to give up. I just wanted it all to go away, and there were times that I didn’t care if I lived or died. My hope was crushed, and I was devastated by what addiction was doing to my family.

Today’s Promise to consider: When our children are young, we never anticipate that our children will suffer with the disease of addiction. In the face of the chaos, we live a nightmare of pain and trauma. But we are mothers, and we must rise up and be strong. Let us dig deep. Let us engage our support groups and trust our higher powers. We are not alone. We can and must survive.

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Richard MacWilliams
Richard MacWilliams
3 years ago
My wife and I are close to your family and we are fully aware of what you went through all those years.  Because of what you went through and how you stood by your son with love and loyalty, no matter what, I have always thought of you as a very strong person and one who God listens to.  So, let me please ask you to ask Our Lord to let me be well.  I think I am well but because of some small incidents I am going through, my urologist wants to do a procedure on me to see if my bladder cancer of 2007 might have returned. Since my first cancer in 1986, I have said one or more Rosaries to Mary each and every day so I believe she has kept me well and will through this.  However, a few extra prayers from a person God listens to won't hurt.   Much Love and Thanks
3 years ago

This is so true…a living nightmare. I also have to continue to pray and acknowledge that I have done everything in my power if the worst were to happen. Thank you for your meditations and I ask that you keep my son Erik in your prayers.

Pat Nichols
3 years ago

Accepting that you have done the best you can do is key to maintaining our peace and serenity as we travel the path to recovery. Very wise words Libby.

Stefy Graff
3 years ago


What you said is absolutely right, at this time we need to support ourself with positive mind set to recover from addiction. 

I like your sentiment and points , Also your information will be helpful to a lot of people.

Very knowledgeable words Libby!!!