In 2009, we published Stay Close. Shortly thereafter, we launched a website and blog in order to create a community of support for all those suffering from the consequences of addiction. We started with a team of three dedicated people, who believed that we could make a difference. Jeff and I wrote weekly meditations, and Aamir Syed brought our vision to technological life.

Today, July 21, 2022, we celebrate Jeff’s 16th anniversary of sobriety. After suffering through a 14-year heroin addiction, he stands as a testament to the hope of recovery. A noble and gentle man, he is a good son, brother, and uncle; a productive businessman; and a loving friend to many.

On this significant day, with gratitude and grace, we’ve decided to close this chapter and stop writing Thursday Meditations. We thank you, our readers, for staying close all these years. You have humbled us with your outpouring of support and compassion, all the while sharing your stories of suffering and hope.

We also thank a team of talented artists, who helped us along the way with visual and technical support. We couldn’t have achieved our goals without Michele Borzoni, Mikele Roselli-Cecconi, Maria and Carolina Usbeck, Davood Madadpoor, George Burroughs and Lauren Giordano.

We thank John Boss, Jeff’s former sponsor, whose faith and wisdom continue to inspire us. Our beloved Dr. Patrick MacAfee has passed on, but not before he was able to help Jeff with compassion and love. He showed me, through his example, how to open my heart and understand the conundrum that is addiction. He taught us that only by taking addiction out of shadows and into the light can it be healed. He will be forever in our hearts, and his teachings will continue to light our way.

Our love to all of you. Stay Close.

Libby, Jeff, and Aamir


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Sheryl Skemp
Sheryl Skemp
2 years ago

Thank you for all of your openness and encouragement throughout these years. I have been touched in many ways and it has helped me not feel alone in the recovery process for my own son. I wish you all the best and a lifetime of God’s blessings!! -Sheryl

2 years ago

I have read and shared your blog with friends for many years.
One such friend suffered many years with 3 addicted children. Everything eventually worked out but Wally continued to attend Al-Anon meetings for years, seeking to help others, until his death 2 years ago.
What comfort and hope you have provided for those seeking solace and peace.
God bless you and your family.


2 years ago

I’m crying- tears of sadness and tears of joy.
I look so forward to your blog every Thursday, and words can’t express the the appreciation I have for you and Jeff. You turned your pain into something so selfless and generous as writing this blog. You have helped SO many, myself included. So the blog ending are the tears of sadness. The tears of joy is imagining 16 years of sobriety for Jeff! What a beautiful testimony to hope. I wish you both nothing but love and joy as you move on in this wonderful miracle that we call LIFE! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Laurie

Beth Anderson
Beth Anderson
2 years ago

Thank you both! My son is 3 years clean sober and active in the recovery community. Your words have given me hope and inspiration along the way.

N. S.
N. S.
2 years ago

Thank you for your writings. I found comfort in your book while my daughter struggled with heroine addiction. I struggled with how to help her, my family and myself during this time. I loved the premise of your book and I felt encouraged by your words.

I am so proud of my daughter – she has been clean for over 7 years, obtained her under grad and grad degrees and works full time to help youngsters become the best version of themselves. Thank you again and I wish you and your family only the best.

Thank you again.

Debbie Cole-Weber
Debbie Cole-Weber
2 years ago

It’s been wonderful to share the journey with you.

Janice Donnola
2 years ago

“Stay Close” was truly the first step for me to be able to deal with my son’s substance abuse disorder. Your book gave me hope and a mantra that I use to this day. I have since recommended the book and the Thursday meditations to too many people suffering with this family disease. Thank you both… but especially Libby whose journey as a parent with a struggling loved one really touched my heart. All the best on your next chapter and many congratulations to Jeff on his 16th year!

Last edited 2 years ago by Janice Donnola
Carri Sullivan
Carri Sullivan
2 years ago

Dear Libby,
Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Your book was life changing for me. Stagli vacino. My son and I say that to each other often. You taught me to be more compassionate and accepting. To just simply love him where he’s at. I will miss these Thursday morning messages so much but I understand. You’ve been of service for so long I guess it’s time. I’ll continue to share your book with new parents I encounter on my journey. I hope that one day my son will be able to get clean like Jeff has. I will forever be grateful what you have given me.
With love and respect, Carri

2 years ago

Thank you. You gave me hope when I couldn’t find it anywhere. My son has been sober a year and now you’re giving me hope it can last.
Will the old posts still be available so I can get my Thursday dose of hope?

2 years ago

Thank you Libby and Jeff for sharing your journey with us and helping all of us. Your story, your book and constant message “stay close” has resonated and become part of my daily conversations as we journey through my son’s path to sobriety. Finding out about your book and hearing your story helped me believe and not give up on “hope”. Your Thursday Meditations will be missed BUT not forgotten and will continue to be the cornerstone that helped me find healing and peace among the chaos and again most importantly stay close and not give up!!
Prayers and Thanks. God Bless you all.

2 years ago

Dearest Libby, Jeff, and Aamir – what a difference the three of you have made! The impact of your commitment and dedication to this mission, and particularly your heartfelt words of encouragement and comfort to those of us whose lives are touched by addiction cannot be underestimated. No one deserves hours added to their week more than the three of you, so enjoy that time and be at peace.
With love and gratitude,

Merlene Sibley
Merlene Sibley
2 years ago

So much gratitude for your sharing words of truth, hope and understanding.

Karen Carlstrom
Karen Carlstrom
2 years ago

Your weekly blog has offered support to many. I will miss your wisdom on Thursday mornings.

Rhonda Rampey
Rhonda Rampey
2 years ago

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of families in addiction. I too hope to one day share a recovery story with my 34 year old son. Good bless you!!❤️

Marla Boone
Marla Boone
2 years ago

There are not enough thank-you’s to offer… but THANK YOU for what you have shared, we are incredibly grateful for your wisdom..

Bernadette Phang
Bernadette Phang
2 years ago

I have been faithfully reading your blog since my son entered his first treatment center back in 2013 and your book was on their recommended reading list. I felt so lost, afraid and alone. Your words brought me comfort and peace. My son is 7 years in recovery and I still looked forward to receiving your weekly blog. I truly appreciate all you, Jeff and your team have done to help the families of those suffering from the chaos that addiction causes. Thank You!

John Whitford
John Whitford
2 years ago

Libby, I remember well meeting you at your mom’s so many years ago. Your postings have inspired many, given hope to many and I’m sure helped heal many. Thank you for your many positive messages… they transcend drugs to help others with all sorts of addictions and issues. With faith in God and love and forgiveness to others, especially our family members I say Thanks for these years that you have shared with all… God Bless.

2 years ago

A read a number of books early on in my son’s addiction. Your story/book moved and resonated with me. Your weekly blogs supported me through my son’s journey. Thank you so much for being so giving of your time and wisdom. God bless you both. You have given me hope for my son. I wish you all the best the future holds for you.
Richard’s mom

Diane Z
Diane Z
2 years ago

I am so sorry to hear this news, but (as Mother Angelica would say) “nothing lasts forever.” I met you in Medjugorge in 2007, on a pilgrimage with Father Kiel (RIP). I never knew your story until I got home and bought your book and signed up for your meditations. They have been so helpful to a child and sister of alcoholics! (Many I’ve saved! ) Thank you and Jeff and your family for the sharing and support. You are a gem! God bless-Diane Z.

Susan J McKay
Susan J McKay
2 years ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you. This has been a wonderful source of comfort and reassurance. It will be sorely missed. So very happy that things have worked out for yourself and son.

2 years ago

I can’t tell how much these weekly emails have helped me and my friends and family. Thank you and good luck moving on to the next chapter that God is guiding you towards.

2 years ago

Thank you for all you have done for addiction and families affected. My daughter is still in active addiction at age 38 after 18 years of use. Our relationship is not easy but I am trying to “stay close”.
Good luck in your future endeavors amd Congratulations on your clean amd sober date! You will be missed.

2 years ago

Thank you so very very much for all the inspiring messages ❤️ it helped me a lot

Kristen Scutella
Kristen Scutella
2 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear this as it was your meditations that often kept me and my daughter grounded. All good things come to an end I know but it sometimes is sad. Good luck for your future(s) and we will Stay Close ❤️

Sarah McDade
Sarah McDade
2 years ago

Thanks for doing this over the years. I’ve used some of your blogs in openings of my parent support meetings. Enjoy your “next chapter.”

Margarert Swift Thompson
Margarert Swift Thompson
2 years ago

Congratulations Jeff, it is incredible what we can do one day at a time! The news of your blog ending fills me with sadness as I know how many you have both helped with your writing. I am sure the next chapter will be one including service of some kind. Thank you for your courage, generosity and wisdom in all your work.

2 years ago

I am so sad youall are ending this blog- it has helped me more than I can say. Your book has also been a huge help and I have read it several times and passed it to others to read. I am also so happy that things are going well for youall and that you are moving forward in your life. Thanks for all youall have done to help support this community.

Terri Grant
Terri Grant
2 years ago

Even though I lost my Kyle a year ago I still read your messages. I’m so happy your son survived the awful torment of heroin addiction. It’s such a small percentage that ever survive. I’m really going to miss your blog. God bless you!!!!! Kiss your son and tell him I’m so proud of him.

2 years ago

Congratulations on 16 years Jeff!!! Your story gives me hope for my son! Your mom is amazing and I’m grateful for the Thursday mediations and the book that gave Helped me “Stay Close” with my son Wishing you both all the best!!!!

2 years ago

Thank you all for sharing your journey and being so open in doing so. So many times in my time of need did I turn to your readings and
they helped me thru some difficult monents. God Bless and be safe, most importantly Be Well!

2 years ago

Just know this weekly message of hope has blessed me beyond measure. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, heart , and encouragement ❤️

Ajia Holt
Ajia Holt
2 years ago

Libby, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support you have given me and so many who have leaned on your ever word of encouragement and hope. You have been a true blessing. Thursdays will never be the same♥️♥️Ajia

Lynn Dearing
Lynn Dearing
2 years ago

THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Many more sobriety years to youJeff

Lynn Stanton-Hoyle
Lynn Stanton-Hoyle
2 years ago

A friend shared your blog with me a few years ago. It has been a blessing each week to read your messages of hope and encouragement amidst our son’s ongoing struggle to find sobriety and recovery. I add my thanks to those of countless others and also express my joy for your son’s sixteen years of recovery. Blessings to both of you for whatever comes next in your journeys. Thank you so much.

2 years ago

You are all miracles of healing and hope and examples of courage. You not only share Love .. you taught us all to choose to live Love. TO Never give up. To choose sanity. To open our arms to the journey and our hearts to all. THANK YOU. EVER and Always and beyond.

j Hutchings
j Hutchings
2 years ago

My wife passed away 10 years ago and I came face to face with our daughters addiction which at that time went out of control in many ways with alcohol, drugs and gambling. Through much personal consulting, alanon and actually connecting with your Thursday messages and meditations I was able to step aside from what I couldn’t controls I worked hard on not being codependent if that ever is totally possible but never gave up on her sobriety. i want to thank you for the years “Of Thursday’s with Libby” as there were many times through your message, wisdom that I was able to take another step forward. I am very excited with myself, family, and friends out of the way she is now 3 years sober and works as a Case Manager for a Rehab clinic as she also works her program One day at a time.
Thankyou for your support, guidance, experience and wisdom. Jeff was a true inspiration
God Bless!

2 years ago

Hi there,
Congratulations to Jeff for his 16 years of sobriety and many thanks to you for writing inspiring words of wisdom every week! You helped me keep hope while my daughter was active in addiction and in her journey to maintain sobriety. I’m going to miss your Thursday meditations! I wish you and your family all the best!
Sincerely, Shirley

2 years ago

Your book spoke to me back in 2009 and I recommended it to many people. I still have my copy and I look through it from time to time. I too have a son who suffers from addiction. He has been sober for 13-1/2 years and I am grateful everyday. I am proud of the man he is and I love to watch him continue to grow. He is now 37 years old. Thank you for your weekly blog/meditation. Good luck with wherever your journey takes you.

2 years ago

Libby & Jeff – I had to write since your blog / book came into our family’s life at just the right time. Our son was in rehab 4 years ago and in the hospital where we sought help & we were recommended to your book to help families deal with addiction issues. I bought your book immediately & I highlighted so many paragraphs you wrote that related to me and our struggles. It became “my book of help & hope” during that dark period! Your words written have helped us tremendously! Thank you always for the weekly encouragement. I have given a copy your book out to many others struggling with their kids struggling with addiction & recommend your blog to others to get insight and maybe see the light into seeking help for their loved ones. Our son, I can say has gotten back his life – he has direction and a purpose now. Yet I’m often caught saying, I love him dearly, but you can’t the Adam out of Adam…..there seems to always be something he needs to figure out as a young 25 year old, but he now takes responsibility, and figures his stuff out, since he can. And for that we are grateful. You gave us the encouragement to continue to love our son dearly & stay close, but always stay out of his chaos. A Big thanks to your encouragement since it is TRUELY the Right way to approach addiction in the family unit. My son now recognizes our families tough and honest words in love is what helped make a different choice and move through his challenges. I will miss the Thursday weekly encouragement, yet completely understand it is time. Congratulations to Jeff for 16 years sober…that’s no small feat, but rather amazingly wonderful accomplishment & encouragement to many. Thanks for sharing your story, struggles & most importantly the real truth a family can go through when one of the Members is struggling. We have unfortunately been supportive to 2 different dear friends that have lost one their son & another their daughter to addiction. And my heart hurts tremendously for their unnecessary loss way too early in their lives. But I hold on to our family hope that we will continue in your footsteps & stay close strong together. Good Bless.

Patricia Streeter
Patricia Streeter
1 year ago

I am so sad to see this Thursday story and prayer go away. I have embraced it for years , keeping my daughter, 10 years clean and son, five years clean in mind. I repeat to myself : Love them no matter what!”

1 year ago

I will miss your Thursday Meditations. A friend recommeded your book ‘Stay Close’ and it helped me through my son’s addiction. Happy to say he is 4 years clean, and studying to become an addiction counselor. Your words have always brought comfort and understanding. You and Dr. MacAfee have taught me to bring addiction out of the shadows and into the light, and I am forever grateful. May God bless you and keep you safe.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Dearest Libby,
Thank you for your simple words “stay close”. Your writings have given me gentle, peaceful reminders of the love of God in the midst of my grief and utter anguish. Some how you seemed to know my personal sorrow and loss. Thank you for that gift. I understand the need to move on from this journey. Blessings to you and Jeff.

1 year ago

Dear Libby,

I have missed your Thursday postings and thought it was due to my email address which has recently changed. Today, I read that your posts have ended.

I want to thank you again for your beautiful book and especially the mention of San Patrignano. As you may remember, this passage and my determination to help my son, led him to live there for four years.

Today he is sober, married and the father of two beautiful children.

I say a prayer of thanks everyday for you and the wonderful San Patrignano community.

With love and eternal gratitude,