A person in recovery wrote to me: The illness of alcoholism thrives in the dark and isolating world of silence. Let the light in and the glimmer of hope be seen. We say in AA that ‘we are as sick as our secrets.’ We are lucky to be able to talk freely to our fellow members and this helps us manage to keep the darkness at bay. I’ve found hope and inspiration in other literature like ‘The Road Less Travelled’ and ‘A New Pair of Glasses.’ In my opinion whatever works is a good thing!

My reflection: This young man’s words tell the hard facts of the illness, “Alcoholism thrives in the dark and isolating world of silence.” He knows from experience that the world of addiction lives in the unlit corners. We have so much to learn from those in recovery.

Today’s Promise to consider: When I was young, we didn’t talk about abortion, homosexuality, or even breast cancer. Today we talk about these things, and the conversations bring us closer to truth, compassion, and understanding. Dr. MacAfee often told me, “Only by bringing addiction out of the shadows and into the light can we hope to defeat it.” Today, I will learn more about addiction, go to Al-Anon or family-group meetings, and talk with professionals and those in recovery. I will not allow addiction to grow stronger in my silence.

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Bridgette Thacker
Bridgette Thacker
2 years ago

This is so true. The shame of addiction is so self defeating. I once read that the worst thing for an addict is to see his/her reflection in other people’s eyes. I know that to be true. My son suffered on and off for over 20 years. He was in rehab countless times. In 2019 he got sober, got a job he loved, and was on his way…so I thought. He overdosed in March of 2021. He texted his gf that he relapsed and he felt stupid and was upset. It proved to be a fatal mistake. I am devastated beyond belief and forever haunted.

2 years ago

Although I am fortunate enough to not live under the dark clouds of addiction, I still often read these blogs and appreciate what I learn from them.