Several years ago, I wrote in my journal: Last night, I dreamed about one of my favorite uncles who was always kind to me as a child. But in my dream he had lost his nose because of cocaine use. I awakened in tears with the image of my addicted son holding me while I was asking him, “Is this what you want for our family?”
My reflection: Worry found me, even in my dreams. During the days, I was able to squash my emotions and generally ignore them. I went to work and did what I always did: I smiled and acted as though everything was OK. However, at night my fears found me. My dreams are just dreams, but they carry crucial messages that I need to honor.
Today’s Promise to consider: My dreams were signals that I needed to protect myself from the chaos of my son’s addiction. Over the years, I’ve learned to be grateful for the thoughts that visit me at night. They help me to visualize my fears and respect my frailties.
It is so ironic that your blog is about dreams today, Libby, because I just had a dream about my son and his addiction a few days ago. Your posts are always enlightening to me. Thank you for continuing to share your experiences!
It is so ironic that your blog is about dreams today, Libby, because I just had a dream about my son and his addiction a few days ago. Your posts are always enlightening to me. Thank you for continuing to share your experiences!
Hello. It is bedtime her in Pittsburgh and as usual I am afraid of falling asleep and the dreams that are sure to come. My son is doing well but the dreams of relapse haunt me. Thank you for the words to help me through tonight