Granddaughter Iysa and Papa/Son Jeremy

A grandmother wrote to me, On especially hectic mornings, when I’m trying to get out of the house and my grandbabies to daycare, I think God stops me and slows me down so that I take the time to watch my grandson run to the front door and tell me, “I really run fast,” and let my granddaughter “do it myself” as she puts on her jacket. Even if it takes an extra five minutes, she is so proud to say, “I did it.” 

I look back and wonder did I take this time with my own children or was I so busy with work, cleaning house, homework, what have you. Knowing now what I know about addiction and serenity (thanks to Al-Anon), I take the time to enjoy my grandchildren each and every day, especially during the crazy hectic times.

My thoughts: Each day is precious, but often life’s pressures pound away at the present, and I think, “I’ll hug him later,” or “I’ll talk with her tomorrow.” There are memories that are forever stamped into my heart of Jeff running around in his Superman cape or Jeremy covered with mud carrying his treasures of frog eggs and salamanders found in the stream. My sons are now men and I can’t change the past, but I can hold onto my memories and make new ones.

Today’s Promise to consider: I’m not the perfect Mom or Nonna, but maybe there is no such thing as perfect. I can only be the best I can be. I’ll forgive myself for the times I wasn’t there, and today I will be there for my children and grandchildren. I will cherish every moment.

libbycataldi: Learn more about Libby

View Comments (23)

  • Libby and Jane all of you--sometimes I think magic happens when you reach out. Today I made chocolate chip cookies and welcomed my grandson in my home and watched my fragile son so content to have his boy in his arms. He is such a loving father. Although I've been reading the Al-anon literature and working the program as best I could for a very long time, my husband and I went to our first meeting in our new neighbourhood tonight. The topic was gratitude. I said I was grateful my son was alive. That I was scared. And tired. 16 years is a long time. It wasn't easy to go to the first meeting to say that was what I was grateful for, but it was my truth. Then I came home and saw Jane and Libby had responded to my last post and welcomed me here and this post was about Gratitude & grandparents. Thank you -yes, I cherish the smell of cookies, a flicker of joy in my son's eyes, my grandson saying Oma! look at how fast I run - yes- he did, too! Coincindences like this I call clangs! Clangs! Reminders there's something at work we know nothing about. Today, I am relieved and grateful to find support. And I needed to be reminded we can make new memories. Hope. That's what it is. Hope. Blankets of blessings to you who find your way to this wonderful site.

  • Dear Hope,

    Your message brought tears to my eyes. You and your husband went to an Al-Anon meeting and the topic was gratitude. You spoke the truth, and the truth starts its healing powers. Your "fragile son so content to have his boy in his arms." I can see this through your words; I remember well Jeff's fragility, vulnerability and powerlessness in the face of addiction. It almost killed him, and me.

    Enjoy the smell of chocolate chip cookies (something very special about chocolate chips :)), the joy in your sons eyes and your Grandson's running fast. Life gives us gifts and addiction wants us to stay locked in a place of isolation. We need to break the silence, reach out and make new memories.

    Love to you.


  • Thank you Libby. Your love and the generosity of your soul comes through on every page of Stay Close and here as well. I will share your book and site with as many families I meet on this kindred journey.
    If Jeff has any advice to give a mother trying to support recovery but afraid when seeing the deep depression in this phase of recovery, I'd love to hear. What does my son need most right now from us? Doctor, check. Counsellor, check. His motivation for meetings is slipping. Detaching while under the same roof very hard for us and I know he feels under a microscope. Today is a good day. When his son leaves, I fear another deep depression. I know I am supposed to live in the now but shouldn't we have some strategy for what comes next in order to be most useful? We weren't prepared for depth of his depression. When he says I don't know and I don't care --- where does communication go from there? What phrase could we use? We love you and see you are depressed, how can we help you help yourself right now. (Answer : let me sleep.) How long is safe? I'm asking here because i've asked everywhere else and no one has an answer. One nurse said call paramedics, with police back up. I'm glad we did not. ( he would have reacted with agression and maybe gone to jail. He does not need jail right now. He needs rehab. After four days he came out of it. But I'm just trying to find words needed. Timing seems like everything.

    Enough. i wrote this last night. Good therapy.

    Hope 's Prayer

    I prayed last night upon my knees until my knees were sore
    I prayed last night like all the nights I'd ever prayed before

    I prayed for every parent's wounded child who needed healing
    I prayed for every parent, friend and spouse who knew how I was feeling

    I prayed my prayers would fill the sky like stars
    Settle down on families, heal our scars
    Restore our faith , erase our fears
    Keep us keeping on and "staying close"
    Staying loving playing praying hoping -- Here.

    God bless this site and this small square white space for taking comments and embracing my words. I draw great strength.

  • Dear Susan and Hope,

    Yes, I agree - the prayer is beautiful. It gives me strength. Keep writing. It's good for the soul.

    Love to you,


  • Hope, For your questions, I have no answers; however, I'll email your message to Dr. MacAfee and ask him if he would like to respond. He is the expert and he'll know better than I. In the meantime, Jeff and I made a video for the Partnership for DrugFree America. Jeff's words are very powerful and you might find some wisdom in what he says.

  • Thank you for the link Libby. Excellent. Hard. Just for today, I will be happy. Love, Hope.

  • Dear Hope,

    I just read all of your comments. My heart bleeds for you, as my son died 4 years ago from an overdose of heroin. He battled this disease from Hell, all of his life. After his death, I read Libby's book and joined this forum. It his helped me in ways I could never fathom. This website has been a Godsend to me. I am so grateful for everyone who shares their heart and bears their soul here. I will forever be thankful for our sincere and compassionate - Libby. She has been my teacher, and friend through all these years.

    I was full of guilt after the loss of my son and since I've joined this forum, I have found acceptance. Something so monumental for me, it's difficult to put into words.

    I will pray for you and your son. I pray he finds the path to recovery. I pray that you will find the srength to help your son through the depression that comes so quickly after the using stops.

    With warmest regards and deep respect,


  • Dear Libby,

    I love this week's meditation. I will be forever grateful for the good memories of with my son. It brightens my days and warms my heart each time I think of them.

    Thanks to you and the forum you started, I have forgiven myself for the times I wasn't there for my son and daughter. I will also be there for my daughter and grandchilren. I cherish the times with them and look forward to many more.

    Love you,

  • Dear Barbara & Libby --- anyone ---

    We learned it was not just depression. It was a crash after relapse. He told us. But we knew in our guts. (Still off chance could be depression ,side effects of antidepressant or jus the flu! -etc, hence -crazy making .)
    Note to self :
    Next time, these symptoms, we call paramedics with police back up. He was sick from withdrawal. He could have died in there.

    Mothers are not made for this.

    We do not give money.

    We are giving shelter and food.

    Shall we say go find another way?

    Or do we say, relapse is not the end of the world. Keep on trying we are here.

    He does not look like he is trying . Not really. But maybe getting up is trying. ???

    He made us supper tonight. Them i lost it later and screamed was he going to a meeting tomorrow?

    Retreat. All of us.

    Me ,the crazy one.

    Right now , my husband is strumming the guitar --stand by me -and I am so grateful for his love! I know not everyone has this and for us --- the different ways we handle things--is not always great either--- we have cried for each other and railed against each other in this .

    But we vowed. This will not destroy us. We are united.

    So again, I realized I want my son's sobriety more than he does ...
    and blame that on the grip this disease has on him. ( and me obviously!)

    Yes, it is out of my control and his -- I know this in my head -- in my heart ---no never never never- I want my son alive. Sixteen years. I am so tired.

    Barbara- tell me how to surrender to my biggest fear - To watch my child suffer so. So fearful he will die. This relapse could have overdosed.

    Libby, how does a mother stay close only to watch a son kill himself slowly. Under out roof. (He is here with a police curfew.)

    We have meeting with addiction counsellors. more. yet more. New ones. where shall we begin ? In Grade one ? The teacher who failed him without preparing us and the kids at daycare got his report card and taunted him and told him he was stupid? And he never recovered ? No matter how much he was loved?

    We are doing al -anon---but right now I ask God is this a horrible waiting game ? An endurance test? If so, I'm losing.

    Libby -- if you want me to keep a lid on this- do send an email. The fact that this site takes comments so readily is a sign of your generous soul. But I understand if this is not the place to ask/vent these things.

    Barbara --- I lam so happy that you have peace . A miracle really -- peace can be born of this much pain. HOPE , gives me hope.

    Hope. Hope. Hope.