Jeff and Granddad Cataldi

Jeff and Granddad Cataldi


I asked a young man, who has been sober for almost three years, what he’s learned from recovery. He wrote:

Change is constant.

What’s that about?

Life is in motion. And

It’s happening now.

Life in Recovery? (life as a healthy human)

Draw on the past

Hope for the future

With my feet in today

My reflection: When Jeff became sober, he faced a myriad of problems caused by his years of using: financial, health, legal and personal. He had to take one day at a time, live in the present and trust that with persistence, sobriety and faith, he would piece his life back together. 

Today’s Promise to consider: Keeping both feet in today is a challenge. Our busy minds swing between replaying the past and fast forwarding into the future and, in doing so, we find ourselves living in a world of regrets and projections. Today, I’ll do my best to be present and to appreciate the magic in everyday moments.

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10 years ago

I always hope that my daughter will find sobriety but one of the biggest fears I have is that the problems she will face will overwhelm her only to send her back into that world again.

It is so hard to let go of these fears I have for her. As a parent I should be able to fix all her aches and pains but I recognize that this is not the case anymore.

When I think about it there have been so many years lost worrying about what tomorrow will bring and regretting the choices I have made in the past that I have missed out on so much. Ten years gone and I’m not sure where or what has happened, this seems such a shame. You are right Libby, we must live in today because we cannot change the past and we have no control over the future. All we have is now. At times it doesn’t seem like much but it is something.

10 years ago

Dear Sue,

Your posting is so profound and true. You took the words out of my mouth 🙂

Much love to you, keep your spirits up and practice positive thinking.