Mom&Jeff.Michele.3 copyA dad wrote, I have a sign in my office that says, “I wish my mouth had a pause button.” That sign has been hanging there for years, yet I never applied it to understanding how to ‘pause’ and listen to God. Without that understanding how could I ever hope to, “Let go, Let God?”

My reflection, There are many times I, too, wish my mouth had a pause button. How often do we respond hurriedly and then have regrets? The visual comes to mind of a cartoon figure with the bubble from his mouth where the words are written. I’ve often wished I could erase the words in the bubble or reel them back in.

Today’s Promise to consider: Today, I’ll be more mindful of my words. Before I respond to someone or weigh in with my opinion, I’ll take time to reflect and reply with compassion. I will pause and listen to my inner counsel, trusting to hear God’s wisdom.





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10 years ago

This is a great post Libby

I tend to react emotionally at the best of times and I think in our fragile states dealing with addiction we find ourselves, or at least I find myself, speaking before thinking. All my emotions come out, the hurt, anger, frustration and mostly desperation and fear.

One of the first meetings I attended someone told me about the acronym THINK. I believe it is thoughtful, helpful, important, nescesary, and kind.
I try to keep this in the back of my mind at all times and when I feel that frustration and emotional anxiety toward a situation building I repeat it over and over.

It has helped me through some tough situations and on reflection I have been so grateful not to have said some of the things I would have without taking this moment to THINK.

10 years ago

Hello Sue
I too use Think a lot. One of my most favorite slogans. Thanks for the reminder on the acronym. I had actually forgotten that part. So helpful!!

10 years ago

Dear Sue, what a great acronym. I shall remember that one. I pray to the Holy Spirit for the “right” words to come out of my mouth. He never fails me when I pray for that. In fact, sometimes the words just flow without me even thinking of what I’m saying. That is truly the Holy Spirit speaking for me, and I’m so grateful for it.

God Bless,

pat nichols
10 years ago

That is a great acronym Sue, thanks for sharing as I don’t recall ever reading that one.

Like Barbara, I rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me – when the addiction chaos would corner me I learned to pause and ask for guidance. My spiritual transformation saved my life.

I have saved every slogan, quotes and insightful sayings from parents over the years. I have hundreds of them. However, I would take the original quote and change it so it applied to me and other parents of addicted children.


A prudent parent profits from personal experience, but a wise one from the experience of other parents.

The acid of a parent’s pain eats through their denial.

Courage is a parents fears that has said its prayers.

The opposite of parents’ depression isn’t happiness; it’s resilience.

Boundaries and limit setting. That is our control. Outcomes are not in our control.

Continued prayers for all of us.
