DSC02891 3*Part I of a series where, each week, one mother or father will share a personal story about addiction.

Sharing my thoughts: The Big Book of AA talks about sharing our “experience, strength and hope.” And that is what Jeff, Jeremy and I strive to do. Our family made many mistakes, but we believe that through the sharing of our experience, we all benefit. I have talked with enough parents and spouses of alcoholics and addicts to know that we can learn from each other. In our pain, we begin to understand; in our collective stories, we listen to find hope; in our love, we continue to believe.

My reflection: I remain humble in the face of addiction and always try to avoid giving advice. Addiction is confounding and I have only one story to tell – my own. But I also live every day in a space of gratitude that Jeff is good today. He is sober and living a productive life. It is through sharing our personal narratives that we learn.

Today’s Promise to Consider: I’m one mother with one story. I don’t have the answers to solving addiction, but I will tell my story of experience, strength and hope. I will share my truths.

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Cathy Taughinbaugh
11 years ago

Hi Libby,

Thanks so much for sharing your story. I know it has helped me and many other families who struggle with the substance abuse of their children. We do all have our own journey, but it helps to know that we are not alone!

11 years ago

I for one am so grateful that you all shared your story. When I found your book and read it in 1 night, I felt like I knew you as a friend. I shared your book frequently with other suffering parents. Your story helped me. Thank you
I also started to heal when I spoke of my problems instead of holding it all in. Letting it out, giving words and voice to my pain was healing

11 years ago

I read Libby’s book after my son passed away. It helped me learn more about addiction and what the addict goes through. I was so wrapped up in my own feelings. I was overwhelmed and strangled by them.

This blog has helped me find my way back to reality. I know I’m not alone, and that, in itself, makes me feel better, even though it’s sad to say.

11 years ago

I like what Jane said that letting it out, giving words and voice to her pain was healing. I also feel that talking about my son’s addiction and death because of it, helps me heal.

My prayers go out to all the mothers, fathers and addicts. We must stay together to help one another and to reiterate that we are not alone. There are so many people who are afraid to write, to reach out. I will pray for them.

God bless you