IMG_3755A mom wrote to me, Everyday I am reminded that there are too many random coincidences to ignore. You think you do something to help someone, but that is not the plan, at least not for now. In my case, it was a conversation over dinner where I said, “Oh, my neighbor went through an addiction with her son and she wrote a book about it.” This led to a random dad reading your book and gaining a sense of hope and realizing that what he is going through and feeling – others have been down this road as well. Amazing how God works.

My reflection: I am reminded of something that Jeff wrote, In 2005, when I was at the ranch and trying again to get clean, I fought everything, but most of all I fought the notion of something spiritual. But I couldn’t escape it. It was in everything attached to the program. I told my sponsor that the God thing would never make sense to me and I needed to find something else. He laughed and said simply, “I don’t give a damn what you believe – just pay attention to the coincidences.” So I did. And that’s when things changed.

Today’s Promise to consider: I believe that living things are interconnected. Today, I will be a witness to the flow of life. Whether I call this force God, my Higher Power, Being or the Universe, I will keep an open mind and pay attention to the coincidences.

“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” – Albert Einstein, The World as I See It


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11 years ago

Yes, those coincidences are real. They are spiritually real. I’ve had many of them.

No matter who your God is, he is looking out for you. He’s in your world and in your mind and soul until you leave this world. At least, this is my opinion.

God plays a huge part in healing addiction. Without him, no matter what we think he is (a higher power, etc.) We cannot do it alone.

Thank God we have each other here and in this world to share our minds and feelings to heal our hearts.

11 years ago

Dear Libby,

Thank you so much for being in my life and thank you for being a huge part of my healing.


Dear Jane,

For some reason, you’ve been on my mind this week. And for that reason, I’m praying for you and your son.

Take good care of yourself.

With love,

11 years ago

This is my prayer for tonight:

Dear kind Heavenly father,

Thank you so much for another day. Thank you for the rain to help the plants grow. Thank you for my health today. I can actually walk without pain and a cane to assist me. Thank you for my husband who is always there to help me out.

I ask you today to give me the strength to overcome my grief. If it be your will, I ask that you please help everyone in the world who has an addicted person in their lives. Help the addict to realize the drug they are on, doesn’t help their problems. It only assures their bodies of addiction. Please give the parents and loved ones the strength to help, guide and support their addicted love ones. The support is so important.

If this be your will, please help the ones who are without you. This is my prayer to you. I hope you listen. I love you and worship you.

Thanks be to God,

11 years ago

Dearest Jeff,

You are the most spiritual person to overcome your addiction. You felt it. How wonderful you must feel as a result of it. You are one of God’s chosen ones. You are very special.


11 years ago

Dear Barbara
Thank you for thinking of me and all of those affected by this dreadful disease.
It was a very rough week. So there. Pay attention to the coincidences right?
We asked our son to move out. Two days ago he did. His disease is showing signs of progressing and it is damaging to others in this house. We have given him so much support over the past decade that it is time to say enough. I told him I loved him but not the behaviors we have become aware of and it is a direct result of not truly working a program of RECOVERY. This disease forces us to
have to make such difficult decisions. But, I would be unable to do it without the support of my program of recovery.
I always remember the saying not to deny an addict his pain. He is causing damage to my other son and I cannot stand by and watch this while he continues to not work a program we all feel he needs. Choices.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
That was the basis for our action. God bless you Barbara and Libby and Jeff.
Thank you for being here

11 years ago

Dear Jane,

When I had to tell my son to leave the house, that we’d had enough, it was the most difficult thing I had to do.
I doubted myself afterwards, too. But, it was the right thing to do.

Keep your spirits up, practice positive thinking and as Libby would say, stay close but out of the chaos.

I’m sending prayers your way for peace and serenity.

Much love and respect,

11 years ago

Thank you Libby and Barbara. We have been down this road before one too many times. At 28 he needs to stand on his own. He needs some desperation as was described in a previous blog. When nothing changes, nothing changes.
Yes, I doubt myself at times. But there are no easy answers with this disease. We need to back off, detach with love, and let him be the captain of whatever kind of ship he wants to sail. I am not adjusting my sails anymore. I have my life vest on and I will not sink. He can choose his own course from this point. I am not going to be his GPS or map. Your support and this blog is priceless. Thank you all

Pat Nichols
11 years ago

Last night a mom who attends our parent support group found her son semi-unconscious (overdosed) in his apartment. She just decided to drop by and see how he was doing. A God coincidence! She attempted to get him into her car and take him to the ER but he collapsed at the curb so she went for her cell phone but the battery was dead. At that moment a man walked out on his patio and he called 911. A God coincidence! It just so happens a fire station is located less than one block from her son’s apartment. The first responders saved his life. A God coincidence!

Your prayers for “J’s” recovery would be greatly appreciated.

Again, thank you all for sharing and providing so many the vital support they need.

11 years ago

Dear Pat,

I’ve said a rosary for “J”‘s recovery. I certainly hope that this will be his last attempt to almost die, as a result of this disease consuming his life. I will pray for his family so they can move on with their lives and allow “J” to find his way to sobriety. I hope “J” realizes the God coincidences are real.

11 years ago

Thank you for sharing this story. Really glad Jeff is doing what he’s doing now.