Positive Role Models

A mother wrote to me. This is part of it: My son is an alcoholic and just returned from Iraq. Today he is good and I pray that tomorrow will be the same. He is working his program in AA, and I am staying close to him and to my support group in Al-Anon. There are winners in recovery and it’s important for us to keep solid role models of hope out there, in front of us, to keep us all going.

My reflection on the passage above: It is important for us to see positive examples of recovery. I am on a rowing team of breast cancer survivors and we join together as a visible example that there is life after cancer.

My son says that there are “old timers” in AA who are sober and have lived in sobriety for years. They “keep coming back” to give hope, wisdom and support to others. I go to Al-Anon and look to our “old timers” who know my wounds and help me see the positive.

Today’s Promise to consider: I will look to the people who have survived the chaos of trauma and celebrate their successes. I will learn from them and try to be a positive role model to others in my life.




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Claire DeCunzo
Claire DeCunzo
13 years ago

Thank you Libby for another enlightening subject! I recently bumped into a lady I sponsored in the Alanon program – she said that although I spent 11 years in the program and my son is still clean/sober why not return to meetings? because people need to hear my story to give them hope…She really got me thinking that I could really do some good and be helpful to those who feel helpless and hopeless with a loved ones addiction.
“In order to keep what we have learned, we must keep giving it away”.

13 years ago

Dear Claire,
You are so right!! I learn so much from the ‘old timers’ in Al-Anon. I look to them for their wisdom, the wisdom that is learned through tough times. “Keep coming back.” Love to you.

13 years ago

Wonderful post Libby. I have been going to Al-Anon for several years. The parent group that I am in has become so friendly, I would really miss them if I stopped going. I learn something at every meeting and hope that what I share helps others.

13 years ago

I agree with you, Cathy. Al-Anon was my ‘saving place’ – a place where I felt safe and surrounded by compassion. It’s a place where we learn together. Love to you.

12 years ago

Your book is truly an inspiration. I had to put the book down in public places due the tears that began falling. Tears from your putting the words to feelings that I carry buried deep in my heart.

Libby Cataldi
Libby Cataldi
12 years ago

Thanks, Judy, for your support and compassion. Feeling buried deep in the heart – I understand. Love to you.