A dad wrote to me: For ten years, I fought the chaos of addiction. With each relapse, I blamed both myself and my son. I was enmeshed in saving him and was convinced that I could. Eventually, the disease of addiction created so much pain in me that I could no longer deny the truth that recovery was HIS decision, his choice, and that I was powerless. I joined a 12-step program, educated myself, and sought out professional help. It takes great pain to set us free, but in our own recovery we find renewed strength, peace, and even serenity.

My reflection: I, too, fought the chaos of addiction. It took me fourteen years until I finally ‘let go and let God.’

Today’s Promise to consider: We parents don’t want our children to suffer. We want to protect them from pain, but sometimes it is the pain that sets us free. Many recovering people have told me that they made a decision to change their life when the consequences of their addiction became too heavy to bear. The same often happens to us.

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Carrie Miller
Carrie Miller
3 years ago

This is so true!! I still struggle with it, but not as much.

Pat Nichols
Pat Nichols
3 years ago

We are each on our own personal recovery journey. We will find our way in our own time and in our own way. One path that was very helpful to me was reading blogs like Libby’s. I knew other parents had found their way to peace and serenity. That gave me hope and it was that hope that fueled my own recovery. Blessings to all who are on their path to recovery.