Granddaughter Iysa loving life.

A dad wrote to me: My son overdosed at the age of seventeen. I was in the E.R. with him the entire time. No one knows the fears, the thoughts, the excruciating pain that someone in this position experiences, except those of us who have been there. From that horrific day onward, I have chosen to look at the glass half full. Every day my son is still here is a wonderful blessing.  Sometimes we need to be reminded of what is truly important in our lives.

My reaction: When Jeff and Jeremy were young, we’d begin our Thanksgiving meal with a prayer and then each person would respond to the sentence starter, “Today I’m thankful for ….” Now I wonder why this was only a once-a-year routine. Maybe I should have asked this on a daily basis. Ray Haas, a dear friend and teacher at our school, once asked Dan Butler, our maintenance man, “How is your day, Mr. Butler?” Dan responded, “Mr. Haas, any day my feet hit the floor is a good day.” Mr. Butler had it right.

Today’s Promise to consider: I’ll remember what is truly important in my life, not just once a year and not just today, but every day. I’ll work to make it part of my daily routine. Every day will begin with a thanksgiving.

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12 years ago

This was my father’s saying too! and when he got older and had bad knees he’d say any day I get one foot on the floor is a good day.
I am grateful for you Libby Cataldi and this life affirming space and your prayers.

Libby Cataldi
Libby Cataldi
12 years ago

Your father was a wise man! Thanks for sharing the memory. I’m grateful for all of you! My life is better with you in it. My love and thanks.

12 years ago

I will also try to begin each day with a prayer of “thanks”. Even though I have lost my son, I count the blessings that I still have. And, I’m most thankful that my son no longer has to struggle with drug addiction. May you rest in peace now, my angel.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Libby Cataldi
Libby Cataldi
12 years ago

Bless you, Barbara, today and everyday. Happy Thanksgiving.

12 years ago

Beautiful picture of Iysa!
I am so grateful to you, Libby and all the amazing people that have shared their experience, strength and hope. Your support is such a blessing!
Happy Thanksgiving to all,

12 years ago

Grateful for so many blessings in my life. Having had the same experience as the father who wrote to Libby, I can say I agree. My glass is half full as well and there have been so many blessings that have come along with the many challenges. Happy Thanksgiving my friends.

Pat Nichols
Pat Nichols
12 years ago

I am so grateful for the Internet! Without it I would never have met such wonderful people like all of you.

Thank you all for walking this difficult path with one another.

12 years ago

Today, I am grateful and at peace… My son Michael is doing well – It feels different this time… I am very hopeful; I feel optimistic about healing and forgiving and so much more. I Thank God that Michael is alive and that I have had the strength and the inspiration to ‘Stay Close’…
Thank YOU Libby – Thank YOU All.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Libby Cataldi
Libby Cataldi
12 years ago

Wow, it’s such a blessing to read all your comments. Nanci, nice to see you here. You and David are always in my heart. Jane, it was your original post about which the father wrote. In fact, his message began, “This mother’s experience is my story, too.” Without your courage to share, I’m not sure the father would have ever taken the step to write to me. You, Jane, reached out a virtual hand and your strength inspired him to write. Pat, we’ve been together a long time, and I’m grateful. Susan, we’ll join you in prayer for Michael. Thanks to all for staying close. Love to you.

12 years ago

Dear Susan,

I am so happy to hear that Michael is doing well. He and you will stay in my prayers.

Dear Libby,

Thank you so much for continuing to be our mentor. I’m so very grateful for meeting all the wonderful people here.


12 years ago

Up until now I have come to this site to be reminded that I am not alone. I wait in anticipaton every Thursday to read Libby’s meditation. After reading Barbara’s response I felt compelled to reply. My son,Vincent, is in active addiction. He called home on Wednesday night to ask if he could come to Thanksgiving dinner. He had just stolen $60.00 from his brothers car the day before so, I wanted to make sure it was OK with everybody that he come. We all agreed we wanted him here. He brought flowers; 2 for me and 2 for each of his grammas. I am grateful that our family was able to see that even though Vincent is in the throes of addiction and all the ugliness that goes with it, his humanity is still there. We will continue to choose to stay close.
Thank you all for your love and inspiration.

12 years ago

Dear Barbara, Dear Libby,

Thank you for the kind thoughts, words and prayers.

Barbara, I can not imagine losing a son… The courage you have is amazing – Your emotional generousity is amazing.



12 years ago

Dear Janet,

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your son and your family. I prayed that all went well.

Thanks to Libby and this forum, I am reminded (like you) that we’re not alone. Being a part of this forum helps me deal with my loss, not to mention the wonderful, caring, compassionate people I have met here.

I will pray that your son will soon find recovery.

God Bless,


12 years ago

Barbara, You are our mentor and inspiration. I’ll keep coming back! With love and respect.

12 years ago

My dear sweet Libby, thank you for your kinds words and support. I am so very humbled.

Without you, your book and this forum, God only knows where I’d be right now. I have found such profound honesty from everyone who comes here, and the friendships are priceless.

Thank you for loving us the way you do. I’m sure that each and every one of us can feel the “special” love that emanates from your heart each week. It’s very special.

I hope you keep coming back forever! 🙂

God bless you, Libby. You are one of God’s angels!
