Jeff with Grandmom Cataldi

An entry from my personal journal: August, 2009: Three years sober and my son is blending the best parts of his youth with what he’s learned from his addiction. His plates have sifted, crashed together and new land had emerged. He’s stronger; he’s more himself. He’s becoming whole, fully integrated – he’s becoming who he was meant to be. As his dad once said, “I think we’re seeing the flight of the Phoenix.”

My reaction to the entry above offering my thoughts today: I don’t know much about neurology, but I’ve read that it takes several years for the brain to restore itself, to heal. When my son reached his third-year anniversary of sobriety, I saw a huge difference in him: His sentence structure was more complex, his vocabulary was richer and his ability to reflect and take time before making a decision was evident. He was taking better care of himself and was more knowledgeable about his own sensitivities.

Today’s Promise to consider: Recovery takes time and life looks different in sobriety. The brain doesn’t heal all at once. I will celebrate each victory. I will celebrate today. I will continue to hope and believe.




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Pat Nichols
Pat Nichols
13 years ago


I really related to this post and it gave me hope for my son.

My son’s brain is not healed but my parent brain is beginning to, as I have truly accepted the process of “Let go, let God.”

In doing so I am now starting to accomplish complex sentence structure, increased vocabulary, making much better decisions, taking better care of myself and becoming more sensitive to my own needs, just to name a few of my improvements.

The point being, my parent brain is beginning to heal!



Libby Cataldi
Libby Cataldi
13 years ago

Dear Pat,

What a GREAT comment!! Right you are for all of us! Thanks for sharing.

Blessings back to you,


Cathy | Treatment Talk
13 years ago

Hi Libby,

That is inspiring and wonderful that your son is doing so well. Gives hope to others.

13 years ago

Pat, and Libby
I remember what the socil worker at my son’s first inpatient treament center told us during family day. Our symptoms of “our” disease and experiences paralell that of the addicts. We go through similar issues that the addict does. The addict obsesses over the drug, we obsess over the addict. The addict isolates and we do too etc. So in recovery, Pat you hit the nail on the head. We are recovering too. I too am making better decisions for myself and am more aware of what I need to recover. My brain is healing from all of the assaults. Thanks for sharing. I so look foward to this forum every Thursday. Be well

Libby Cataldi
Libby Cataldi
13 years ago

Dear Cathy, Thanks for your support and care and thanks for all you do for others. Treatment Talk inspires me and gives me hope. Love to you.

Libby Cataldi
Libby Cataldi
13 years ago

Jane, Your comments and Pat’s make sense to me. I never thought of my healing this way. I love what you write, “My brain is recovering from all the assaults.” I get it. Thanks!! Love to you.

13 years ago

Such insightfullness from all who commented above! I never thought of my brain as having to heal as well. So right you are Pat!
Libby seeing you smiling away with your son is such an inspiration. It makes my heart smile to see such love. Continued blessings to all of you on your journey!

13 years ago

Because of this forum, I have finally began the healing process. It’s because of Libby and all of you who participate in her weekly messages, that I realize that even in death, there is positive outcome.

Thank you all for the inspiration I continue to receive each week. Thank you Libby and Jeremy for sharing your story and touching my life. You will forever have a place in my heart.

Love to all of you and God bless you…

13 years ago

So sorry Libby and Jeremy. I noticed my mistake in writing Jeremy’s name in my message (instead of Jeff’s name). Please forgive me.


13 years ago

My dearest Barbara, No need to apologize. I get their names confused, too :). Too many J’s. Love you!!