A dad told Jeff and me, Our son is not yet sober, but my wife and I have found peace after hearing your story. We know that we can’t control our son’s behavior, but we now know we’re not alone. And more importantly, you’ve shown us there’s hope.

My response: We are powerless against the addiction, but we are not powerless to help ourselves. The Serenity Prayer gives us a guide, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Today’s Promise to consider: Today, I’ll consider the continuation of the Serenity Prayer: To live one day at a time, enjoy one moment at a time and accept hardships as the pathway to peace. I will ‘let go, let God.’ This will be my personal victory.




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Pat Nichols
Pat Nichols
12 years ago

I memorized ALL of the Serenity Prayer and recited it frequently throughout the day, especially during my darkest moments. However, the truth of the Serenity Prayer did not change my enabling ways until I gave it ALL to God, until I truly trusted God fully. Now when I recite the Serenity Prayer I feel His presence. The beauty and power of the prayer takes me to a higher place. A place of peace and serenity.

There is a outstanding book entitled, “twenty-five words” by Barb Rogers. Barb is in recovery and her experiences will give each parent and/or their addicted child a new sense of understanding on the power of the Serenity Prayer. There is much more to this prayer than one might think.

Libby Cataldi
Libby Cataldi
12 years ago

Dear Pat,

Thanks for your message. I never knew there was more to the Serenity Prayer than the first, most commonly known part. During Al-Anon meetings, we recite the prayer, but only the beginning. I agree the entire prayer makes a difference.

Thanks, too, for the book suggestion. We work together to hold out a hand to another mother, brother or friend. Thanks for holding mine. We are all stronger with your presence.


12 years ago

Thank you all. I am not serene. I pray this prayer without ceasing though. I do. I love this photo. God bless you Libby and every one who comes here. The hope I find here gives me courage.

12 years ago

Until I began living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, and accepting the hardships that came my way, I was in total darkness. I finally let go and let God have it all. Thank God I did. God has given me my life back. And, it’s people like Libby, who wrote her book, and started this blog, so people can have a place to join hands with one another. A place to help each other try to understand the complications of this horrible disease of addiction. To these people, I am truly grateful. I’ve learned so much from each and every one of you.

I still have dark, bad, days. And when that happens, I pray, and God is always there to comfort me. Each day, I pray to our heavenly father, and it’s his presence that keeps me focused on the life he has given me and the wonderful husband, of 36 years, to share the life he has given me.

I’ve always loved the serenity prayer. Especially, “accept the things you cannot change”. If you can accept the things you cannot change, and if you can let go, and let God, you can achieve the courage to get through the next day, and the next one after that.

Thank you all for your love and support. Thank you for being here.

Love and hugs to all of you,


12 years ago

Dear Libby and Jeff,

I love the picture!!

Libby Cataldi
Libby Cataldi
12 years ago

Dear Barbara,

Let go and let God! Yes, you are right. I still tumble into that place of trying to ‘control’ situations and I KNOW that it’s useless. Life is such a journey. My mom, who is 91 years old, told me recently, “It takes a lifetime to learn how to live.”

Thanks for staying close and loving Jeff and me. We love you right back!!


12 years ago

Dear Libby,
This picture of you and Jeff gives me so very much hope! I pray for the day I will be able to have a picture like this of my son and me. I continue to try to live one day at a time and know each day he stays clean is a step in the right direction. The many relapses sometimes diminish my hope, but although diminished for a short period of time it is still there. I refuse to lose hope altogether as I am a firm believer in the saying ” where there is breath there is hope.” So I live each day hoping this will be the day for a real break through.
Love to you and both of your wonderful sons,

12 years ago

Hello all on this chilly Friday night. I did read the serenity prayer in its entirety once but I certainly do not have it memorized. I will go read the whole poem again. Life is not perfect, but I have much more serenity than I have had in past years because I have learned to Let go and let God. There is a feeling very freeing in that Thank you all for sharing your wisdom ,your fears, your hope and your tears.