A mom wrote to me: My son’s bottom was getting shot in a drug deal. He still carries the bullet an inch from his spine, too risky to remove. He has ten months of sobriety and is now living in a sober house. It is all such a blur to me. But I’m grateful. He’s good – today.
My reflection: There is a saying that an addict has to hit his bottom before he finds sobriety. I’ve heard another saying from people in recovery, “Just when I hit my bottom, the bottom fell out.” I watched my son hit many bottoms and, each time, I ran in and helped. Jeff fell to bottoms that I never thought were possible, each of them critical in bringing him to a place where he chose sobriety.
Today’s Promise: If my loved one is good today, I am grateful. If he is not good today, I am grateful he is alive and will keep hopeful, praying that one day he might be healthy again. Whatever the circumstance, I will stay close, pray and believe. Recovery happens one day at a time.
First of all, I love the picture of you and Jeff. I was rifling through some pictures in my top dresser drawer just yesterday (that’s where I keep my most treasured pictures) and I came across one that is like the one Libby posted today. A picture of me and my son. I stared and stared at it for the longest time. I think I wished that it would just come alive even for just one minute. Then, I prayed. I prayed and thanked God for looking after my son’s spirit. My gratitude is for that. I am thankful for God’s love for everyone. I know he loves everything on this earth and in the heavens. I hope that now that my son has passed, he no longer has to hit those “bottoms”. And, I pray that every addict who hits their bottoms, climbs back up and stays there.
I am so very thankful for Libby and Jeff and the story they tell thousands of people. Their story will help many addicts and parents throughout to world. And, my gratitude for them gets stronger and stronger every week.
Lots of love,
Barbara…I’m praying that your son is resting in peace…I truly believe he is!
I’m grateful for children in my life. They bring me joy. I am grateful for Barbara and this blog and this picture. It gives me hope, My son, in jail, told me he is being advised to go on a methadone program when he gets out. It hurts my heart to hear his despair but perhaps this is his bottom. I am, grateful he is alive and phoned yesterday and said to me I”‘m going to have a hard time once I’m out staying off. I’m not kidding myself this time.” I am grateful for those words. Honesty. And I’m grateful for all who support me and treat him with dignity. . Prayers for all. Thanks be to God and healing spirit. I am grateful I’m digging out from under years of despair.
Gratitude. I remember at an Al Anon meeting a woman shared that the only thing she can be grateful for some days is the ability to crawl into her most comfortable bed at night. That image stayed with me and I know how lucky I feel some nights just to have the comfort of my bed. I am grateful for so much. My son is sober and stable for 1 year now and it is a blessing not to have the chaos in my life each day. I am lucky that he survived a gunshot, an overdose, and so many other calamities
I am grateful for Al Anon and my own recovery from this chaos. I am grateful for your book and blog Libby and for Jeff wanting to share his story too. It has helped me through some rou roads.
Barbara we are all grateful for your participation here, for your wisdom and grace. Your Son is in God’s care
Beautiful posts.
This Blog feels more like a family reunion today.
A loving and caring family.
We, as family of addicted children, have so much in common. The support we give one another is priceless.
My son is in an inpatient treatment program provided by our county drug court. I am grateful for this day, this moment.
I am grateful to you, all of you.
I am grateful to God for His love and forgiveness.
Dear Pat,
I’m thankful to hear that your son is in an in-patient treatment program. I will pray that he gets through it and uses what he learns in the future. I’m also very thankful for the support this blog gives to one another. It has been invaluable to me, thanks to Libby and all who come here.
Take good care of yourself.
Dear All,
We hold hands and keep steady, together. Life is tough and life with addiction can be unbearable and suffocating. Pat, I love your comment that this blog feels like a family reunion. We all join you in hope and joy that your son is in an inpatient treatment center. Miracles happen, one day at a time. Jane, your son is sober and stable for one year now. This is a HUGE accomplishment. Jeff says that even one day (and every day) is a victory. Joy, your son is releasing the fiction in his life and facing life with honesty. That’s what the Big Book says, “Only through rigorous honesty can sobriety be found.” Cindy, thank you for your compassion. Barbara, you are our inspiration. Your faith humbles me and gives me a road map to follow. Thanks for staying close through all your trauma. Thanks for your sharing your strength and courage. Thanks for your love.