Katie MA mom wrote to me: My daughter is in fourth grade and her class was discussing “courage.” The heading of her homework sheet was, “It takes Courage,” and it had several questions about defining/understanding/citing courage. Question D asked, “Describe a time in your own life when you think you showed courage.”

My daughter’s response was “by raising my hand when I think people are going to make fun of me.” Oh, I love this child.

My thoughts: Courage is a skill our children need, especially as they grow older and have to make their own decisions. After reading this mother’s message, I began wondering about Jeff’s early years of drug use. When he was offered drugs for the first time did he not have the courage to say no, was he curious and just said yes, or did he consider his options and make his own decision? I don’t know, but I do know that it took him immense courage to stop using. I also know that it takes immense courage for him to make the daily choice not to use.

Today’s Promise to consider: Life is filled with challenges and my child will need courage to face them. Learning this skill starts at home with encouragement and support. Today, I’ll urge my child to take risks, to raise her hand, to help someone in need or to say no with confidence. The little, everyday courageous acts will strengthen my child’s patterns of behavior. I’ll role model courage in my life.

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Pat Nichols
12 years ago

This post reminded me that I can continue to improve my own ability to be more confident and courageous.

I don’t think it matters if you are 6 or 66; as the parent of an addicted child I need all the confidence and courage I can find!!!!

Prayers for continued courage to fight the good fight.

Libby Cataldi
12 years ago

Pat, You are wonderful!!! Yes, we can and must continue to improve our own abilities to be more confident and courageous. We need all the courage we can muster, and we sometimes find it by holding hands with others and praying for strength. Here’s to courage. Here’s to learning. Here’s to health.

We’ll keep up the good fight.


12 years ago

And so this roller coaster we call addiction continues to roll on. I found out today that my son is using again and has left the home of his girlfriend and my granddaughter. I am just not sure how much more of this I can take. My biggest fear is that when I talked to my son last night will be the last time I ever talk to him. I am so grateful that we had the best holiday season ever, he was clean and happy, however, I feel my hope, courage and faith slipping away. All I can do for the time being is to pray, God please give me the courage to get through yet one more relapse and let me be strong for his girlfriend and my sweet granddaughter. They need my help now more than ever.

12 years ago

Thank you Libby.

Always, your words are timely.

Love love love.


My thoughts:

Courage comes from the french word for heart.

Take heart all who come here.

Take heart. Have Faith in your heart wisdom .

Have faith in truth of your heart. It is your truth. Listen.

Courage : to be of strong heart.

Penny– your strong heart is one of much courage. We are here. On same page

Our children are trying to find their hearts -the courage to beat demons —- TO RAISE THEIR HANDS .. Libby is right .. it is the same . .

12 years ago

I heard a long timer in my Al Anon group say last week that “courage is fear that has said it’s prayers”.
We have all lived with tremendous fear and we have all said our prayers.
God bless

12 years ago

Hope, thank you for sharing that “Courage” comes from the French word for heart. How beautiful! That insight gives courage such a new meaning for me. The courage to stay close and love our addicted children does take a strong heart. I also like the concept of taking faith in out “heart wisdom”. Thank you.

Libby Cataldi
12 years ago

Hope’s comment makes the word courage more meaningful: Heart wisdom, heart strength, hearts made stronger with prayer (Thanks, Jane). I like heart wisdom. However we understand the concept of courage, we all know that we need heaps of it to fight the demons of addiction. Here’s to courage for our children and for us. Love to all.